Nonprofit For Learning Lab

As we approach 2025, with Millennials expected to constitute 60% of the workforce and up to 12% identifying as TGX+ (transgender and gender expansive), the imperative for nuanced understanding of TGX+ realities is clear. As societal norms evolve and more individuals openly identify as TGX+, workplaces must reflect on what this means for our organizational culture and practices. In this interactive workshop, we will examine the incorporation of TGX+ inclusion within the broader context of organizational inclusion strategies. We will delve into: Embedding TGX+ inclusion into existing DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) frameworks. Evaluating emerging policies that advocate for TGX+ employee welfare. Establishing effective practices for the collection and use of TGX+-related data. Join us in this session to gain valuable insights and practical tools for fostering an inclusive culture that supports and celebrates TGX+ individuals within your organization.


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