
CauseVox is going to conduct a webinar session on Major Gifts Workshop: The Art of the Big Ask. Are you ready to revolutionize your fundraising efforts and take your organization’s major gifts to new heights?  Join experts for a power-packed, major gifts workshop, “The Art of the Big Ask” and gain insider knowledge and practical tools to supercharge your major gift fundraising efforts.  This immersive experience brings together industry experts to share their insights and strategies for securing major gifts effectively.  At this half-day workshop (12–4 pm ET), the attendees will walk away with:

  • Nail the art of the “big ask”, unlocking major gift acquisitions like never before.
  • Develop a solid stewardship framework for building lasting donor relationships and boosting retention rates.
  • Streamline your major gift management systems for impressive results, even with limited resources.
  • Inspire and engage your board members as passionate advocates for major gifts, amplifying your fundraising impact.
  • Apply capital campaign strategies to boost your fundraising game plan and achieve exceptional results.

The participants will unlock secrets to major gifts to transform your organization’s future and more! ​​The workshop will also feature live Q&A after each session and will be recorded for on-demand viewing.


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